So there I was, fixing my things after a long, hard day of work. I piled the kids' folders one by one as I gave an attempt to organize everything as best as I can.
It was almost sunset when I was able to finish organizing everything.
"Excuse me, Ma'am. Good afternoon po," greeted a woman's voice from behind. I glanced to look. It was my student Farah* and her guardian.
"Yes, hello. Good afternoon po," I smiled.
"Ma'am, I would like to ask for permission from you if you can allow Angel* to be absent tomorrow on their P.E. day." I gave her a second look and peered at the child she was holding; It wasn't my student Angel, it was Farah.
Although skeptical, I replied, "Why is that so po?"
"You see, she has no P.E. uniform,"
"I'm sorry but I would not allow her to be absent for that reason alone," was my reply. I was beginning to be confused for one, she's stating that Farah's name was Angel. Two, her reason for Farah's absence was pretty shallow.
"It's not that I'm being inconsiderate here,but I'm really just concerned to the activities she will miss if she will be absent for that reason alone," I continued. "If you really insist, I won't restrain you po. I just want you to be aware of what she will miss if she'll be absent tomorrow."
Suddenly, her tone changed. "She has a heart problem! She cannot be present on her P.E. day!"
I was beginning to be more confused. "Uh.. just to let you know, it doesn't mean that she's wearing her P.E. uniform, she will also be running. We wear P.E. uniforms but we do not run nor do any strenuous activities for the children on that day. in fact, there are days that we JUST wear P.E. uniforms."
I was getting more perplexed about the situation at hand.
"Huh? How was I being inconsiderate?"
"Let's go Angel! Say goodbye to your favorite teacher!" she grabbed Farah and stormed away. My student, Farah even stuck her tongue out to me.
"Bantay lang na si Miss Ginete!" she muttered angrily as she left.
Speechless and dumbfounded, I watched her leave.
Then behind me, I heard my colleage say, "You should inculcate values in your lesson so that your student would not have done that."
"Huh? But I always do that!" was my confused reply.
Suddenly, the hallway turned pitchblack. All I can see were my student and her guardian. The images then, began to swirl and move to the center like in a huge blackhole. Then in an infinitesimal second, I was in my bedroom.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Teacher's Blues
Today was a real rough day.
Today felt like a suicide battle with the kids and I'm not kidding. I lost my patience despite my tremendous effort in keeping myself calm. The kids were running everywhere and anywhere like they do not recognize that there's a teacher in front of them. They were even playing during the practice when it was time to listen and behave. Their lines were not straight. They were really busy talking. I was brimming with frustration today. I swear I would've muttered (mild) profane language-- but thank goodness I was able to hold myself back.
It's so frustrating to have finally found the correct classroom management and lose it the moment you realize you were already doing good! I really do my best everyday to handle my kids. I always search for good strategies in keeping them interested, manageable and disciplined. Oh how I wish I could be the best in classroom management. I wish I could be the best teacher I can be.
I know I can. I know achieve it--- but today just feels like I'm really far from my goal.
We usually coin this as, "na-imbyerna."
It's okay. I still am positive that I can handle my kids tomorrow and the days after. I know they have the potential to be good and disciplined students. I know I also have the potential to be a good teacher. Today just was not the day for that.
This post is not about me, complaining and whining about my day. This is about how I feel and how I take it. Everyday is a challenge and I won't give up. I know I'll be better. I just need to be patient with my kids and most especially with myself. Take it easy. Forgive yourself. Just do better.
It made me realize.. that all those material wishlist I wanted for Christmas do not mean a thing when my kids are not performing well in school. How I wish I have a student who can actually read and understand this post. XD *sigh*
Yes, today-- I'm feeling the teacher's blue.
Monday, November 19, 2012
My 2012 Wishlist
It is no doubt the start of the
Yuletide season. I can feel the
Christmas season in the weather (thanks, rain), in the wallet (13th
month pay, so sweet), in the classroom (Christmas balls never go out of style)
and with the people (Hello my manita, who happens to identify me no thanks to
my banga moves in giving the Kris Kringle gifts secretly).
As the season of gift giving is
fast approaching, the malls are displaying more objects for sale—most
especially in the clothes, shoes, bags and GADGETS department! So this post is
dedicated to the generous souls (or to the person who got my codename in the
Kris Kringle) who would like to give me something. Well, this is just a list of
my Christmas wish list. :D
1. Neutral
or Earth colored flats or sandals
Yes, since I started teaching pre-schoolers, I
have discovered my love for flats instead of heels. They make me move easily
and comfortably. I also find them stylishly unique. I opt for neutral or earth
colors because they are easy to match with any colors (or it’s simply because
most of my clothes in my wardrobe are dominantly on the neutral or earth
colored side—for short, the boring colors). I like neutral and earth colors
because I find them interestingly cool and simple.
2. Any
formal floral blouse
I have been hunting at the mall for these kinds
of blouses so I can wear them during wash days in school but none seem to fit
my taste. I can usually find them in online stores; however, I really do not
want to go through the hassle of texting, meeting and stuff (unless I’m buying
a gadget that will make it HEAPS cheaper). I found one in Forever 21, but it’s
a sleeveless blouse. -.-
3. A
pair of decent eyeglasses
I have been advised to wear glasses
(HNNOOOOOOO!—yes?) because of my astigmatism. The optometrist said it’s not a
NEED, if I can tolerate the headaches brought by it. Since I noticed my
headaches have been recurrent these days, I think it’s tme to heed her advice.
I found one that cost for 4,000Php to which was discounted to me for
2,000Php—and I declined, thinking I didn’t need it until now.
4. Rubber-Silicone Swatch
It may not be evident but I’m a fan of watches.
I have several watches, but only two are working now. Most of my watches are
either dead because of battery problems or strap problems. Some watches, (although
if I changed the battery already) don’t work anymore. I liked that watch I saw
in SM. It costs 3,000Php. O.< But it’s rubber-silicone! It won’t stink when
you sweat, it’s water resistant and it has 2-year warranty. T_T
5. A
Jansport Backpack with cute design (preferably Earth or Neutral colors)
A friend sold some backpacks back in my last
year in college. I could have afforded
them, but then again, me, being an ever thrifty-at-the-wrong-places person,
said and thought I don’t need it. I have several bags at home, which all turned
out to be damaged or too small for my everyday needs in school. I saw some bags online which costs 1,600Php
(but I didn’t like the design).
TOUCH 5th GEN!!!!!
Since my iPod broke, I’ve been wanting to have
it fixed ASAP. Unfortunately, no store here in Davao fixes Classic iPods’ LCD.
So I thought to myself, I’ll use this old iPod as a storage device and get an
itouch 4. Then, I started browsing at the apple store. I saw the ipod 5. Huge
difference in the gadget itself with only 3,000Php difference. Now, I find
myself drooling for the iPod. I thought I could have got my hands on this baby
this month—but I was wrong. I gotta wait for 1 or 2 more pay days. T_T I’ve
been constantly searching for discounts, online stores or even at the malls for
cheaper prices but I still---- It’s okay. I know I’ll get you soon. I’ll just
have to work hard for it to achieve it.
I might sound a little
materialistic with this post, but then again, it’s a WISH list. I’ll always
want to be with my family and loved ones above all that. Time, bonding and good
health with my family. Peace and unity with my colleagues. Guidance and
protection for my kids. More years of love and understanding with my Pahdee. :3
Afterall, none of these would matter if I’d be alone and if I’d have no one to
share it with right? (Uh. I can share the flats and the blouse with my mom? XD)
I know you know what I mean. Chocolates still count. J
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
My insights on being a teacher
Time and time again, I have constantly attempted to motivate myself to write more however I keep on failing to do so.
I want to organize this blog, but obviously, I don't know how. I want to personalize it further, but I don't know how. This however, shall make me motivated to work better on this hobby that I used to love.
Anyway, last October 26 - 29, 2012, I attended the National Seminar for the Appropriate Strategies for Learning Literacy at the Commission on Audit at the Diversion Road, Buhangin. The venue was very far and inaccessible. We had to ride a bus to get there. However, taking the bus ride eases me---disregarding the fact that I can smell different scents from different people.
But whatever to that! The important part of this blog is my insight regarding the seminar.
Being a Pre-school teacher is not easy, contrary to what I expected it to be.
From a bird's eye view, it might sound and look simple, but in reality, there are so many things to be considered when teaching preschoolers. Yes, it's easy teaching kids because their lessons are not difficult. You don't even need to a degree from college to teach them. Being a preschool teacher is actually of an application of all the theories and laws you learned from college. No, not only an application, it's a deliberate process of synthesizing, generalizing and evaluating all knowledge you gained from school to a one, concrete, complex strategy of teaching a very simple lesson. You have to consider the nature of your students, the culture they grew up with, their skills, the activities that are appropriate for their age. It must not too easy nor too difficult for them. Still think it's easy?
A teacher in the primary level plays a very crucial role to the child's development.
The primary level is also considered as the formative years of the child. It is at this stage wherein the child remembers things easily. Therefore a teacher in the primary level must be very proficient in communication skills because regardless of how innovative or creative she is, it will all deem pointless if it was conveyed differently, complicatedly or confusingly. The child needs to understand an instruction in the most conducive manner, which can only be attained by someone who has excellent communication skills.
A child being unable to answer a question does not necessarily mean there is no comprehension.
When you ask a child a question about the story that you tackled and he cannot answer, does that necessarily mean he did not understand? No. He might have deficits in language, because he has difficulty in conveying his ideas not necessarily meaning he did not understand. Therefore, the teacher must device different ways in appropriately measuring the skills of the child. It must not be limited to oral questions and paper and pencil tests alone. Focusing more on the process than on the product should be practiced most especially by the primary level teachers.
The main point is, being a teacher is not an easy task at all. The weight of the future's education is on you. You can definitely make a change to someone's life. It may not give a decent pay at all, but the sense of fulfillment it rewards you is more than any material thing can give. This is why I love being a teacher. :)

Yes I know I am constantly challenged by the behavior of my students, the deadlines I have to chase, the paperworks I deal with everyday and the pressure of being the teacher of these kids who are so used to a such luxurious living...but I'm happy. It constantly inspires me to be better. The struggles I have everyday as a teacher motivates me to do my best everyday.
It really makes me grateful for I know that although I have my strength and weaknesses, I can prove to myself that God created me specifically for this.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Updates on My Life
So updates about my life so far...
Obviously, I have failed my challenge for myself for this year, which is to start writing again. I was planning to write at least once a month and well.. my last post was last January. More than half a year ago. :s
I really need to motivate myself further to come back to writing or to any hobby. I certainly wouldn't want to shrink into a nobody with no hobbies or interest or anything. My life so far had been revolved in schedule.. which sucks.
But anyway, here is my attempt to make up for the months I have failed to write.
For now, as I wait for my application to be processed, I am doing tutorial jobs. I work as a gradeschool tutor and as a SPED tutor. I teach 5th Graders all their subjects and prepare them for their daily battles in school.
I also teach a teenager who happens to have reading difficulties. Her mother told me that she was diagnosed with Mild to moderate mental retardation. However, she (her mother) thinks she has dyslexia since she usually confuses the letters b and d, p and q, i and e. These are the common indication of dyslexia. When I started teaching her, I experienced difficulty at first. I had to find the right strategy in dealing with her dyslexia.
Fortunately, after so many attempts, she no longer has much difficulty with the letters b and d, p and q, i and e. First, I dealt with her difficulty in syllabicating the words since she cannot syllabicate words properly. Amazingly, contrary to her Developmental Pediatrician's diagnosis, she was able to grasp the concept of syllabicating with clapping.
Now, I am dealing with her difficulty in word blending. She can read but she has difficulty blending words like building, guarding, multiplication. She reads them with an extra vowel.
The great tip regarding this work? The sense of fulfillment everyday knowing that my student learns, enjoys and progresses in reading. This work inspires me everyday to do better to help my student and it's one of the things that really make me happy. :)
Regarding my social life, well. It's fine. XD
You see, I've been immersed with my work that I barely have time to socialize. I know it's not good. Most of my friends are either busy or away from the city so I haven't been socializing much. For now, the people who socialize with are my students, my family, my boyfriend and my co-tutors.
Hmm.. I can say I really haven't done some hanging-out like I used to have back in college. I don't even eat out as much as I do. I'm still happy though. I'm actually happier than I've ever been. :)
My inspiration in my life at this point are nothing else but my mom, my dad, my students and my love. :)
Obviously, I have failed my challenge for myself for this year, which is to start writing again. I was planning to write at least once a month and well.. my last post was last January. More than half a year ago. :s
I really need to motivate myself further to come back to writing or to any hobby. I certainly wouldn't want to shrink into a nobody with no hobbies or interest or anything. My life so far had been revolved in schedule.. which sucks.
But anyway, here is my attempt to make up for the months I have failed to write.
Now that I graduated from college, I am currently waiting for a job in Ateneo as a Pre-school teacher. I sent my application several times and boy, real life does suck. The waiting period is killing my patience and sanity.For now, as I wait for my application to be processed, I am doing tutorial jobs. I work as a gradeschool tutor and as a SPED tutor. I teach 5th Graders all their subjects and prepare them for their daily battles in school.
I also teach a teenager who happens to have reading difficulties. Her mother told me that she was diagnosed with Mild to moderate mental retardation. However, she (her mother) thinks she has dyslexia since she usually confuses the letters b and d, p and q, i and e. These are the common indication of dyslexia. When I started teaching her, I experienced difficulty at first. I had to find the right strategy in dealing with her dyslexia.
Fortunately, after so many attempts, she no longer has much difficulty with the letters b and d, p and q, i and e. First, I dealt with her difficulty in syllabicating the words since she cannot syllabicate words properly. Amazingly, contrary to her Developmental Pediatrician's diagnosis, she was able to grasp the concept of syllabicating with clapping.
Now, I am dealing with her difficulty in word blending. She can read but she has difficulty blending words like building, guarding, multiplication. She reads them with an extra vowel.
The great tip regarding this work? The sense of fulfillment everyday knowing that my student learns, enjoys and progresses in reading. This work inspires me everyday to do better to help my student and it's one of the things that really make me happy. :)
Regarding my social life, well. It's fine. XD
You see, I've been immersed with my work that I barely have time to socialize. I know it's not good. Most of my friends are either busy or away from the city so I haven't been socializing much. For now, the people who socialize with are my students, my family, my boyfriend and my co-tutors.
Hmm.. I can say I really haven't done some hanging-out like I used to have back in college. I don't even eat out as much as I do. I'm still happy though. I'm actually happier than I've ever been. :)
My inspiration in my life at this point are nothing else but my mom, my dad, my students and my love. :)
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Mama and Dad on my Graduation Day. :D |
Pahdee! |
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
So 2011 has come and gone. Now it's time for 2012.
It kinda sucked since I ended 2011 and started 2012 with dysmenorrhea. You can actually conclude that I spent most of my time in bed. It sucks I know.
However, I gathered all my strength to get to my Aunt's house and celebrate new year with family. It was fun! <3 Though I know I can actually spend it in a more fun and exciting way, I chose to sleep on the couch. D:
Now, I'm glad that my dysme is almost gone.
I don't actually have any new year's resolution. I just plan to go back to my hobbies like writing, drawing and uh.idk? XD I need to work on a healthy lifestyle this year too. I am already starting to feel the effects of my unhealthy lifestyle. O.O
Dun want to write some lengthy blog here.
Ciao! :D
Here's some pictures on New Year's Eve. :D
It kinda sucked since I ended 2011 and started 2012 with dysmenorrhea. You can actually conclude that I spent most of my time in bed. It sucks I know.
However, I gathered all my strength to get to my Aunt's house and celebrate new year with family. It was fun! <3 Though I know I can actually spend it in a more fun and exciting way, I chose to sleep on the couch. D:
Now, I'm glad that my dysme is almost gone.
I don't actually have any new year's resolution. I just plan to go back to my hobbies like writing, drawing and uh.idk? XD I need to work on a healthy lifestyle this year too. I am already starting to feel the effects of my unhealthy lifestyle. O.O
Dun want to write some lengthy blog here.
Ciao! :D
Here's some pictures on New Year's Eve. :D
With my Brother, pamangkins and cousins. :D |
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Me, Chang and ate Kay welcoming the new year with some noise! |
First meal for 2012! |
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Woot! <3 |
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