Time and time again, I have inconsistently pushed myself to write in this empty blog, but tonight... some significant happening inspired me to do so-- but in a negative way.
Before you read this blog, may I remind you that this post is made out of frustration, hurt and spite. From this part, you may move on and stop yourself from reading this.
First and foremost, I am not insensitive. You may find me laughing at your jokes, enjoying them even. Amazingly, I have high tolerance for insults, satire, nonsense and insensitive jokes. But tonight, what you did was just intolerably, insultingly, hurtfully, offensively ...bull. Though I have my slow moments, I can tell whether a joke was done for fun or for insult. You, however, had clearly done it for the latter. What you did was just way, way over the top. I have been trying to be patient with your nonsense for a long time, I even avoided you because of the insult you have done on me. How stupid of me to even try reaching out this time. Shame on me for allowing you to do it on me... TWICE. Again, I am not insensitive. I guess I was just being too optimist to consider you as one of my friends.
Tonight, I realized that considering you one makes me lose my self-respect and self-esteem. Having you as a 'friend' is like insulting myself. Why in the world do we have friends who mock us for who we are and insult us with our shortcomings? Bull.
Second, I am not dumb. I have my moments. I think way too differently than you do. Just because I have my own way of perceiving and comprehending things doesn't mean I don't understand. There are things that you are expert on, while there are things you're not. Just happens that most things that you know, I'm not good at. But again. That doesn't mean I'm dumb-- so don't treat me one. I'm pretty sure you know how that feels.
Lastly, yes. We are poor. My family is poor. We're not rich, we don't have luxuries and what-else you have-- but we have dignity. Just because we're here rock bottom, doesn't mean we're underachievers. Doesn't mean we have no manners nor breeding. Just because we're poor doesn't mean we're uneducated. Just because we're poor doesn't mean we're less of a person. Just because we're poor, doesn't mean you can treat us like that.
Shame on you.
One day, when the wheels of fate have turned, you'll realize that.